Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jesus loves you.

Jesus loves you. 

It's a line us Christians say to one another for encouragement or to someone going through a hard trial who is a non-believer. We especially hear it during Easter time, as we celebrate the day that changed the future of humanity forever (Isaiah 53:1-12).

I began to mediate on the saying "Jesus loves you, Jesus loves me." I began to ask myself, "Do I really acknowledge this fact about Jesus? Do I really know and acknowledged the fact that Jesus loves me especially when I make mistakes or even sin? How can God continue to love me or how can He love someone like me?" Believe me these thoughts were circling around my head for a couple of days. Until one day in prayer, God in His loving kindness spoke to and said,"Do you love your son?" I said, "Yes Lord, I do." Then God asked me, "Do you stop loving him each time he makes a mistake or when he makes you angry?" I said, "No Lord, I don't." He asked, "Why?" I said, "Because he is my son and when he makes a mistake I correct him and guide him." The the Lord says to me, "Just like you, I correct you and guide you. Why? Because I love you!" 

I bursted into tears when my heart felt that. To know that Jesus loves me was something beautiful. Jesus died for me and you on that cross. Why? Because He loves you and me. If you didn't know it than know that we are loved by a holy and sovereign God and His name is Jesus. Be blessed! 

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