Cheli's Letter of Victory

My friend Karen first invited me to attend North Texas District Youth Camp. I really didn’t want to go, but I said yes anyways. Well, a couple of weeks before leaving to Texas, my friend Sonia told me that I needed to go that there was something special there for me. Little did I know she was right. The day of departing to Texas, I left upset because I got yelled at by my mom so I figured this trip got started off on the wrong foot so anyways Karen, Elton and I left. When we arrived, I was not feeling good because of the flight. So the first night they had a service, but I really didn’t want to go because I wasn’t feeling well, but I said, “Well, I flew all this way. I might as well go.” Little did I know what was about to happen to me would impact me so deeply. We got up early although I really didn’t want to and we went to service and the preacher who was preaching that day was talking about certain things that I’ve heard before at other services but for some reason I felt like he was talking directly to me and at the end of the service he did an altar call and I was one of the first ones to get up and go to the front all on my own, no one forcing me. And I started praying and I just let go of everything that was ever bothering me and the next thing I knew I was sitting on a chair. Little did I know but I was out. I had received the Holy Ghost like never before. His presence enclosed me in this wonderful grip of mercy and grace. That is the only way I can explain that feeling. The only reason I knew I was out and fell was because Karen had told me and when I was coming to. The preacher started talking to me but I still felt out of it and he was telling me that those words were for me. That sometimes for God to talk to us we have to travel far. So after I came too completely, I felt like I never felt before. I felt amazing…something I hadn’t felt in a long time. So all in all my trip to Texas was way worth it and Sonia was right there was something special for me there. I discovered my purpose in life. Or so I think.

Where to begin about me doing MC, well let me begin by saying when I was first approached, I was very surprised that anyone would ever consider “Me” Cheli to do MC for our very first juniors camp. It was the Sunday we had gotten back from Texas. In my mind I was asking God, “Is this for real?” I will admit I didn’t believe it. I said yes not knowing what to expect. Honestly I don’t remember me saying YES but the word came out of my mouth. It was all God. He probably was saying, “It’s time Cheli, I need you to work now.” It took me a while to let that sink in my head. After a couple of days passed we had a meeting in regards to the planning of the juniors Camp/Youth Retreat. I came to discover not only was I doing MC but I was also told that I was doing a conference about music. Yes! Music! Why? I had no idea. Of course, feeling overwhelmed I threw a fit and started fussing about how I couldn’t do it. I already had to do the MC for Friday night service. It was “too much” I said. Lupe wouldn’t take no for an answer so I said amen Lupe I’ll do it. Once again God spoke on my behalf saying “yes Lupe I’ll do the conference too.” And once again I heard a soft voice telling me “It’s time to work Cheli you’ve been sitting down for far too long.” At this point, I started freaking out. Little did I know what I had gotten myself into.

But first I want to talk a little bit about things that were happening to me days leading up to October 25th.  I was going through a lot of physical and emotional situations. Physically, I started getting sick with a really bad lung infection, chest pains and other things dealing with my health. So I said to myself, “How was I going to sing, if my lungs were not at 100%?” I was getting sicker and sicker as the days went by. Emotionally, I was going through a lot. I was being attacked by the enemy in every each way imaginable. But at the time I didn’t realize it. I started doubting myself. I would say to myself, “I don’t feel privileged to do this. How can I do this? I’ve done too much bad. I don’t deserve this opportunity.” So for me I felt like I wasn’t worthy enough…I guess you can say that I felt this way was because of my past.

I know that God is a forgiving God, but how could he forgive somebody like “ME.” As the day came near, I was thinking to myself, “How am I going to do this?” I would pray. I did a lot of praying despite all the thoughts in my head. I knew this was going to be a day where I was going to get called upon, but I never knew when and what I would be doing. Well anyways, as the day came closer, I was getting more and more nervous, excited nonetheless. I fasted the week of and I did a lot of praying asking God to give me the strength to do this because mind you I was just getting more and more sick. As the day of the service was near I couldn’t sleep the day before. Fatigue had set in but by this time there was no turning back. And like that good old song says…
“I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus…
NO turning back. NO turning back.”

I guess that’s why they gave me the conference about music. Cause to everything there is a song. Yes, everything.

Well, now we are on the day of. As the time was drawing near for me to start, I was so nervous, but right before I started, I got a message from Sonia saying “Jesus is with you” and when I saw that I knew everything was going to be okay. It was like a sign from God just letting me know that He would be with me every step of the way. Even if it wasn’t perfect so long as I did it wholeheartedly that He would be there guiding my every step. And I did just that. I put my whole heart into it. And although I made numerous mistakes, it was I can sum it up in one word “AWESOMENESS!”

After I finished, I felt good, relieved that I hadn’t passed out but the feeling was a good feeling. Well better than just good I felt like I found my place. I felt amazing. I could finally breathe a little. Bro. Augusto’s preaching was awesome. Then ministering to the juniors at altar call made that night even more amazing. I had the conference the next day but that night I rested. I rested in the presence of God hoping I wouldn’t be late the next day.  

When I did the conference, I felt nervous but not as nervous as I was when I had to do MC. When I was standing before these juniors, I felt a little overwhelmed but excited. I really got into the conference and interacting with them. I had fun with them. And they looked interested. I could hear bro. Jesus in the back making all these noises.  I felt like I reached them at their level. Surprisingly, I felt at place while doing the conference. I know it wasn’t that long but I think I could’ve kept going. I didn’t even get half way through what I wanted to say and do. But I guess all in due time. So all in all I felt very comfortable doing it. I felt at home. A few years ago Lupe and I had a talk about figuring out what my purpose was. She simply told me this, “Cheli, when God allows you to figure out what your purpose is you are going to hold on to it and treasure it forever. You are going to hold on to it so tight and never let it go. You’re going to protect it and do whatever it is God wants you to do. You are going to work for Him and you are going to serve Him like never before Cheli you just wait and see.” Well Lupe was right. I think I’m walking in the direction of my purpose. I’m seeing it. I’m walking in it. It’s not that far its in sight. I CAN SEE IT. I’m going for it. The enemy can try all it wants to stop me but I’m going for it. I feel joy! There is a deep joy down in my heart that honestly words just don’t seem to explain it. I am SO humbled that God allowed me this amazing privilege. I’ll end with this and this I think will sum it up. Yes it’s a song. Go figure. It’s my theme song……

I've been changed
Healed.. Freed.. Delivered
I've found joy
Peace.. Grace.. And favor
I've been changed [Choir] I've been changed
In the presence of the lord, I have been:
Healed.. Freed; [Choir] freed.. Delivered; [Choir] delivered
In your presence of the lord:
I've found joy
Peace.. Grace; [Choir] Grace.. And favor; [Choir] and favor
And right now; [Choir] right now is the moment
Today; Today is the day
I've been changed; [Choir] I've been changed
I've been changed; [Choir] I've been changed
And I have waited; [Choir] I have waited for this moment to come
And I won't let it pass me by..
So we say
[Choir] I won't go back, can't go back, to the way it used to be
Before your presence; came and changed me
Say I won't
I won't go back, I can't go back, to the way it used to be
Before your presence came and changed me
All my shame… Guilt… Sins
They've been 
forgiven, Forgiven
No more 
chains….. Fear
My past My past is over [Choir] is over
Say right now; [Choir] right now is the moment
Today; Today is the day
I've been changed; [Choir] I've been changed
Come on someone declare that, I've been changed; [Choir] I've been changed
I have waited; I have waited for this moment this moment right here
 I have waited all
my life  to come
And I won't let it pass me by...
So we say
I won't go back, can't go back, to the way it used to be
Before your presence came and changed me
Would you lift up your voices as loud as you can and say?
I won't go back, can't go back, to the way it used to be
Before your presence came and changed me
Come on, somebody, lift 
your voice and declare it and say
I won't go back, can't go back, to the way it used to be
Before your presence came and changed me
Somebody say... I won't go back, say
I won't go back, can't go back, to the way it used to be
Before your presence came and changed me.


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