Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Marisol's Letter of Victory

Praise Him ladies! We thought we would kick off our second year with a brand new Letter of Victory! Today’s testimony comes to us via Sis. Marisol Saldana from the church in Apopka, Fl. We love our Marisol oh so much! She always attends all of our youth activities and her enthusiasm inspires many others. Enjoy! Blessings!

PTL beautiful young ladies! Some of y’all might know me and some might not have an idea of who I am. For those that don’t know me, I’m just a normal young Christian girl trying to make a change in this world. I’m from the Apostolic Church in Apopka, Fl. Some of y’all don’t know this because I don’t tell many people, but I like to write. What I’m about to share with you is something I know we ladies struggle with a lot, some of us more than others. And I just feel in my heart to share this with y’all.

“You’re Beautiful and Wonderfully Made”

·         Psalms 139:14 “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows very well.’’

A couple days ago I was in school waiting for the bell to ring before going to class. One of my friends was late and was putting on her make-up, when I said, “I don’t know why you put make-up on, your skin tone is pretty.” She answered me with something I never expected, “Are you kidding? I hate my skin tone, that’s why I use make-up. To cover all my imperfections and ugliness.” Yes, I have heard many girls say that, but this time it had such a different impact on me for some reason. Like her comment hurt me or put me in shock. That whole day all I could think about was what she had told me and about how many girls also think that. I know many of us girls are not happy with our eye colors, skin tone, height, weight, hair and body. I feel like some of us have forgotten about something. We were created in God’s image; I’m positive God doesn’t make mistakes and you aren’t either. In Ephesians 2:10 it says, “For we are God’s master piece.” I have used a bible verse, but some still might not believe we are truly beautiful. I’m pretty sure every girl has been told that they are beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, perfect, and much more. And like always we say, “Aww, thanks!” But I have one question, and only one that I want you to truly answer. Do you actually believe that you’re beautiful when someone tells you?  I was one of those girls that didn’t believe it. I use myself as an example. When I was younger I was skinny as heck. My parents would always say, “Oh you need to eat more and get a little more fat.” Then after many years, right before I hit my teenage years that all changed. I went through some emotional things which lead to me eating when I was bored, happy, sad, or mad. I just ate all the time non-stop, eating was my get away. I gained weight, but I couldn’t stop eating. I got to a point where I hated myself. I would ask God why He made me ugly. I hated everything about me, from the top of my head to the bottoms of my feet. I got to a point where I guess you could say I was depressed. I would spend the whole day in my room eating and on my phone. Then a couple of months later, God used a sister to tell me something that had an impact on me. She said, “God loves you, you are a precious diamond in His eyes, you’re beautiful, and don’t ever doubt it.” The enemy is always trying to bring us down. His goal is to make you feel ugly, nothing and even worthless. Why do we believe the lies of the devil and not believe our heavenly father? We are young ladies full of valor, grace and beauty, so we might as well start believing it! I know we heard this a lot, but this time let’s actually believe it. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart that every single one of you girls are beautiful, don’t ever doubt it! We are daughters of the one true king, and stay blessed!

Thank you Marisol for sharing your story! We can’t wait to read more of what God leads you to write! God bless you!


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