Wendy's Letter of Victory

Hello ladies! Today's Letter of Victory is written by Sister Wendy Bellorini. Wendy attends the church in Miami, Florida and the girl is an incredible dancer! Here is her story:

God creates each of us with purpose. He has given me the heart, spirit and build of a dancer. From a young age I was constantly confused for a dancer. God was giving me a hint of my ministry. I began dancing in church at 18, but I wasn't very serious about it. 

In the summer of 2012, at 25, I attended a retreat where no one knew me. The last night at altar call, a pastor prayed for me, he said, "You have been called to dance. God enjoys to watch you dance!" Confirmation #1.

When I got back home, I dove head first into dance. I would read anything that had to do with prophetic dance. I bought books, signed up to dance devotionals, and began taking technique classes. Just as a singer trains to strengthen their voice; I began to train my body. I began to learn to use the weapon the Lord had given me. I felt Gods favor in my life. Everything I learn, I use for the kingdom. God continues to bless me and give me favor in a secular dance world. I stand firm in my beliefs and don't allow the common dance lifestyle of the world influence my walk with God. In church, I was choreographing entire services.

In the beginning of 2013, God began to give me plans for a dance conference. He didn't give me knowledge and understanding of worship dance to keep to myself. I eagerly planned everything He wanted. In painful detail, He explained what He wanted. All that was missing was an actual location to hold it in. Months passed and it became more of a pipe dream than God given plans. I doubted myself and God.

That summer I attended a worship dance conference in downtown Miami. That day lit a fire in me and reawakened that passion. God gave me these plan so they can be carried out, not kept under a rock.

I was seeking God about my ministry. He didn't answer me. Instead He used the youth pastors daughter, and showed her in a dream. He have her the answer to my question.

The Tuesday before the youth service, she had told her dream. She said she saw me in a huge church auditorium dancing beautifully. Afterwards, they announced that my books and DVDs were for sale in the lobby. Confirmation #2. 

On that Saturday, we had our youth service. I prayed and put all the plans in His hands. The Lord spoke through my youth pastor that night. He was preaching about how there are some who give up on God given plans because of minor set backs. In my head I was just like "whoa!! Stop reading my mind please!!" I told God to have His way and I asked for forgiveness for doubting Him. 

At the alter call, the youth pastor said God was telling him that their was a certain young lady that he had given specific plans and that all she was missing was the the resources. He repeated it six times before I mustered up the courage to walk up. My youth church came together and donated over $1,500.00. 

I could feel God as each person handed me money. It was such a humbling experience. I am so excited for what God has for me! I know that God wants to work in your life as well, you just have to surrender to Him and wait, because His will is perfect.

Thank you for sharing Wendy! God bless you! We hope you girls are being as blessed as we are by these powerful testimonies.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about Dance Ministry please get in contact with Sis. Wendy Bellorini. She's organizing a dance conference in Miami, Fl that is sure to be a blessing! It will be on December 14, 2013. Please e-mail her for a registration form. It is free of charge and open to the first 60 applicants. Thank you! God bless you!

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