Karen's Letter of Victory

He has chosen Y-O-U.

Hello ladies! Today I wanted to share an experience I recently had. This past summer I did a lot of soul-searching. I spent many quiet and intimate moments with God just pouring my heart out to him. I knew (or thought I knew I should say) that there was a season in my life that was about to come to an end and I was ok with that. I was seeking God and wanted to know what came next.

The Lord led me to a verse that I kept coming back to. I love the story of Queen Esther. It's such a rich story and I admire Esther's courage. The verse was: "Who knows if perhaps you were made....for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 NLT)

Many of you will probably remember our camp theme of ENGAGE: Engaging in God, Engaging in our Destiny, and Engaging in the Battle. Well, at camp I was fighting my own personal thoughts. I kept coming back to the word DESTINY. It came up often in preachings and it just kept sticking out to me. I kept wrestling with thoughts like, "I don't know. I don't think I can do this after all. I think God made a mistake. Surely there's other choices out there that are better than me." And so on and so forth.

On the last day of camp, one of the ministers spoke life into me. He quoted the verse that I kept coming back to BUT he switched it. Instead of saying the word 'perhaps' he said, "You were MADE for such a time as this." That was the moment that I knew that I was already walking in my destiny. My answer was smack in front of me. I just needed God to open my eyes.

I'm sharing this story because I know that I am not the only chosen one! If I was made for such a time as this...then so are YOU! God has chosen you as well! I want to challenge you to dream big! Start taking small steps toward achieving your spiritual dreams. Pray, fast, seek guidance. I dream of a brave young lady one day leading worship during a youth camp and more young ladies to give empowering conferences! I know you're out there! I am where I am today simply because I've said amen to every opportunity that has come my way. And if the Lord has brought me this far then surely He can do the same for you!

When I shared this testimony with my fellow board members, Bro. Jesus gave me a interesting thought. He said, "Do you know why the word 'perhaps' is in your verse?" I answered, "No. Why?" He replied, "Because it's YOUR choice. YOU choose to walk in your destiny-not God."

It's your choice. God has already chosen you. Will you answer His call in your life? Choose wisely.

Be blessed!

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