Yosselin's Letter of Victory

Hello Ladies! The first Letter of Victory we want to share is written by Sister Yosselin Cordero. Yosselin attends the church in Miami, Florida and we love and admire her passion for all she does. We hope you're blessed by her words!

PTL lovely ladies. I just wanted to speak a bit about my testimony. I'm praying it may help you. As many of you might know me, for the honor and glory of God, I am someone very involved in my local church. I am currently the youth dance leader, assistant sign leader, youth collaborator, praise team member, church and youth choir, and as well as a teacher to the pre-teens.  But it wasn't so easy at first... I was brought up in church and many expect for those brought up in church to be so involved and so "holy" but I had my fair struggles to accept God. I was passing through a time where I was left alone, had nobody, felt like a nobody, betrayed by my closest friends... It took all that to bring me to the floor and just tell God I couldn't take it anymore. Little by little I got close to God, praying, reading his word got baptized at 14 and God changed me completely. My whole point of living was just to live and serve Him in all I can. Little by little I joined a dance team, joined choir and began as an assistant teacher. I didn't know God wanted more for me because I was so comfortable where I was. But He opened the doors, I stepped through and I am working for Him. I'm there to worship Him. I never saw myself doing all that, didn't even think I could be where I am now but God knew, He knows! So I encourage you girls to not let anything, tell you you can or make you think your not made for it.

God bless you Yosselin! And thank you for sharing a little piece of your testimony!

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