Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Katherine's Letter of Victory

Praise the Lord VG&B! We pray you've been having a fantastic summer. Today's Letter of Victory comes to us via Sis. Katherine Jara. We truly admire the passion and love Katherine has for serving the Lord. She has faced so much adversity throughout her life and the resilence she's had to bring her this far in life. Be blessed!

My Testimony

I have faced numerous mental illnesses beginning at a very young age. Ranging from depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality, anorexia/bulimia etc. It wasn't until I had encountered God, I was unaware of my purpose in life and thus attempted to end it. Now, with Jesus, I understand that God has such an enormous purpose for my life that the enemy tried to kill me off as a young girl.

Last year at camp, Bishop Esparza prophesied over me that I am a pillar of flame in the ministry of praise and worship and would be a healer and interpret dreams. Since then, this prophesy has been confirmed through numerous credible people of God and I know that what I went through has only prepared me for what is to come.

God has everything under control. He knows our rising and sitting, every thought before it is birthed within the neurons in our minds. He has every hair numbered and every tear collected in His merciful hands. God is with us. I understand atheists because I was one. I understand evolutionists because I had that faith of mind. I understand the broken-hearted because my heart has been broken. I understand the lonely, drug addict, the lesbian/bisexual, the alcoholic, the suicidal, the young woman who chose abortion, the self-mutilator, the absence of self-esteem because I myself have been there and now I place my life in God's hands. I'm not close-minded for putting my faith in something. I'm seeking God and a purpose.

Jesus has revealed to me a life I never knew possible. I remember walking up to the altar on Easter Sunday of 2011 before I was baptized, not believing in God but wanting to more than anything and just then, His great love washed over me, speaking to me as if face to face, that without this encounter I would never believe. I was like Thomas who needed to place my finger in the savior's wound to believe. So, the Holy Spirit filled me and I spoke another language; a language of heavenly love and power.

My life will always be for His glory. I hope my testimony reaches beyond where I can lay my hands to pray. All for the glory of Jesus' name. I'm here and grateful for this life. If there's a sister out there needing a shoulder or a hand, here I am with love.

Thank you for sharing your story Katherine! God bless you!

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