Thursday, January 23, 2014

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Moriah's Letter of Victory

Praise Him! Today’s Letter of Victory comes from Sis. Moriah Calderon. We love seeing the amazing things God is doing in Moriah’s life! We are so glad that she has decided to answer Gods call for her life as she defines the word ‘fearless.’ Be blessed!

PTL sisters

I know all of us love sharing our victories, however it's not as easy sharing our failures. So while I have so many victories to share, I would like to begin with my down falls.
I have made so many mistakes in my life. I've lied, gossiped, rebelled against my parents, and done many more things countless times. Yet God still continues to find me in that place and save me, over and over again. Being a pastor's/minister's kid has never been easy. It brings a lot of unwanted attention, criticism, and holds you at a high standard...sometimes too high! Growing up, I always felt that I was never good enough. Never good enough for my parents, my church, and even God. I was VERY insecure. I didn't realize until recently, but I seek attention from guys. I mean, I wouldn't date everyone, but if a guy said I was pretty it was the biggest thing in the world! I was searching for validation and love in all the wrong places!

One day things changed though. God called me out of my mess and gave me purpose. At Youth Advance 2011 God showed me a glimpse of what my calling was. It was incredible. I thought to myself, “Me a missionary? No way God!” And He told me, "Wait and see. You can't even begin to fathom the plans I have for you.” From there on out everything was different. I didn't care about what guys thought of me.  I felt no need to gossip or put other girls down to make myself feel better. I KNEW that my identity was found in Christ and in Him alone.

Since then I've had the blessing of traveling to Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, and Cambodia to share the love of God. Every time I'm in a new country I remember where God brought me from.
I’ve still made mistakes. I've still lied, gossiped, and rebelled against my parents. But it's different now. That's not my way of life anymore. When those things happen I know to go and seek the face of God. I'm not defined by my mistakes anymore. Instead, I'm defined by my God. The one who gave it ALL just to call me His own.

Thank you so much for sharing Moriah! We are praying for you and your ministry!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sarai's Letter of Victory

Hello ladies! It is our pleasure to introduce the lovely Sarai Hernandez. Sarai attends the church in Apopka, Florida. Sarai has this easy eloquence about her. Beauty flows so easily from her and we admire her very much. We hope you’re blessed by her words! Be blessed.

 Paz De Cristo,
It is a privilege in being asked to share a bit of my story.

I would like to start off when my family and I moved to Florida back in 2002. It was the vision of my father to open a church in a place where there was none. My father had opened the church in Chihuahua, Mexico, where I grew up. Our moving away was not only hard on my family and relatives but for our church family as well.

When we came to the U.S., we spent our first year in North Carolina with my father’s relatives, where I went to 6th grade. But my parents had distant relatives and friends in Florida. They had their history, and so, it was decided to move there. We moved into a terrible complex to a cheap one bedroom, one bathroom apartment for a family of 5. And that was how we started. That’s where our first church service was held.  But with everything going well, the enemy didn’t hesitate one bit. My father testifies that when he was on the verge of opening the church in Mexico, the devil had warned him not to proceed and tried to stop him as best he could with one last attempt, the life of one of his children. But despite it all, my parents grew stronger and more attached to God and proceeded with the mission. Here in Florida, while we were in the process of getting a local place for our church, the devil was still on our heels. He threw a warning at my parents once again, to not proceed in opening a church. He tried again, by wanting to take his dignity as a pastor and to bring shame to our family. It was like the world turned against us. But through it all, my parents persevered. I am proud and happy for them. I admire my mother for her constant prayers for her children and prayers of strength to go on. It may have taken me a while to comprehend a lot of what happened during our lives, but now that I am older and do understand it, I am happy and support my parents to carry on their mission in this life. The devil will never stop testing us, but now I don’t see him as when I was a child. I can easily say, “You devil you, I will crush you with my heel!”
I am following my mother’s footsteps and making it my profession. Now I am a third generation seamstress. I learned mostly everything from my mom like she did with hers. I went to school to get certified and God opened doors for me I never thought I could achieve. It’s a privilege that God gave me such an ability to create modest attire in a now lusty, modern world. I have big dreams but only if God is willing will they become reality. We can all come as far as we wish if we leave everything in God’s hands. No matter the circumstance, or even in your worst nightmare, He IS there keeping you safe. As a sister in Christ, I hope this story of part of my life can be of encouragement to someone.    

Thank you for sharing Sarai! May God continue to bless you and use your talents.