Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Hello Florida District Ladies! Praise the Lord! Welcome to Young Ladies of
Valor, Grace, and Beauty.

I know you're probably asking yourself, "What the heck is this?!" Well, let us
explain. I'm sure many of you know who I am and well if you do, then you know
that I absolutely, positively LOVE my district youth! And I especially love my
girls! I mean it. I do! Sister Lupe Perez (also known as our secret weapon,
momma bear, original Homesteader...I think you get the idea :D) loves you girls
just as much as I do. She came up with this awesome idea just for us girls. We
thought, "Why not start a place where we can keep in touch with our girls and
also keep them encouraged?"

That's how this page came about. You can read more in our mission statement :)
We're gonna try to be bring you a small devotional, testimony, or something of
that sort at least once a week. We said TRY! HA HA! If you know us personally,
then you know we have plenty on our plates but where there's a will there's a

-Karen and Lupe <3

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